Saturday, February 1, 2025

Not Really Tiny

 Until recently I used for  my hobby electronics projects two types of microchips:

  • Atmel Atmega 328 (in case I needed at least ten in/out pins);
  • Atmel Attiny85 (if I  five or less in/out pins is enough).
But recently I discovered some more members in  Atmel family of devices: Attiny261/461/861. These microchips are not actually that tiny:  20 pins providing  16 in/out signals. On the photo below you can compare  Attiny461 in the middle to Attiny85 on the left and  Atmega 328 on the right.

 It  occupies less space on a breadboard than Atmega 328, but  still big enough for many hobby projects. But what makes this chip outstanding is the fact how convenient it is  for breadboard prototyping. Look at  pinout of this chip in PDIP package:

As you can see all bits of the A register are on the right side, all bits of the B register  are on the left side. Bits are numerated from the top to the bottom. Very easy to remember and really convenient!  And all pins to connect  AVRISP MKii programming interface are located on the left side of the chip.  That allowed me to make flat vertical adapter  and use it during prototyping with the breadboard. On the picture below you can see circuit with Attiny461 chip, two multi-color LEDs and adapter.

I believe AttinyX61 will find some more usage  in my upcoming projects.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Prices Are Down!


Here you see the photo with  the price stand on the gas station in Lafayette (Bay Area, California). Photo I made on the last day of 2024 year.  One year ago (thirteen months to be precise )   I made similar photo. You can find it in this post: 'autumn colors'. To make a comparison easier I put the same photo again here.

As you can see prices of the gasoline are down almost by 10%! Not bad. There are some more positive changes: green grass instead of mulch. Bench disappeared as well, but I can't tell is it for the good.

It would be interesting to see where we will be at the end of 2025.

And Happy New Year btw. (Photo of  some front yard   on our neighboring street).